You asked, we answered: who can access our services? 

NIȽ TU,O Child and Family Services Society is a Coast-Salish-Led organization, proudly serving the Children and Families of Seven South Island Nations. 

Since its creation 25 years ago in 1997, NIȽ TU,O continues to respond to the evolving needs of families & children in the communities we serve. NIȽ TU,O is committed to supporting and nurturing Coast Salish families in self-determination and decision-making processes over their own families and children.

Our staff is committed to ensuring the safety of children, strengthening family relations, and enhancing the well-being of the families, communities, and nations we serve.

Originally formed in response to concerns about the number of children in the foster care system, NIȽ TU,O has since taken over some of the services previously administered by the Ministry of Child and Family Services (also called delegated services), which includes providing temporary and permanent care for Coast Salish children. They also provide a wide range of programs and services aimed at supporting literacy, healthy relationships, financial literacy, beds for kids, connection to culture, mental and emotional well-being and other skills needed to build healthy and happy Coast Salish families.

These services are offered at no cost to the people connected with seven of the South Island Coast Salish Nations including: Beecher Bay/Scianew, Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Songhees, Tsawout, Tseycum and T’sou-ke First Nations. 

Children, youth and families seeking NIȽ TU,O services are eligible to access family support services if they fall under one or more of the following categories: 

  1. The child is registered with one of the seven South Island First Nations mentioned above 
  2. One or both parents caring for the child are registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nation mentioned above 
  3. One or both parents not caring for the child are registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nation mentioned above
  4. One of the child’s siblings registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nation mentioned above 
  5. One of the child’s grandparents, uncles or aunts registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nation mentioned above 
  6. The child’s extended family caregiver is registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nation mentioned above 
  7. The child’s non-family caregiver is registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nation mentioned above 
  8. The child’s non-family caregiver is not registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nations mentioned above but lives on the reserve of South Island First Nation 
  9. The child’s extended family caregiver or non-family caregiver is not registered with one of the Seven South Island First Nations mentioned above but lives on the reserve of South Island First Nation 

If you are in need of support, information or have a question, please call and ask for INTAKE at 250.544.1400 – this is confidential