On Tuesday May 26th, 2020 NIL TU,O CFSS will be open for:

  • Intake: An Intake Social Worker will be available 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m, and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m Monday to Friday
  • Face-to-Face Meetings: Will be booked in advance, if required please connect with your Worker, or phone 250-544-1400

We have policies in place to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Before entry, all Clients and Community Members will be asked to:

  • Wear a disposable mask (provided by NCFSS)
  • Sanitize hands

Individuals who have symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19 should not come to the NIL TU,O Office & NIL TU,O Workers can continue to offer remote support services.

Our children and families are at the centre of our work, and we continue to offer support services.