
NIȽ TU,O is recruiting Coast Salish, Indigenous, and non-Indigenous caregivers willing to open their hearts and homes to Coast Salish children.

Becoming a Caregiver

There are many different ways a person interested in becoming a caregiver can provide support and care to children and youth who need:

  • short or long-term care placements
  • emergency placement
  • relief/respite
  • forever homes

Interested in caregiving but not sure where to start? Take the first step towards making a positive impact by offering a weekend of respite care – it’s a unique opportunity to show your care.

Being a caregiver is a rewarding job. Our caregivers play a very important role in supporting our families and children and in keeping Coast Salish children close and connected to their families, communities and culture. Caregivers are just one part of the child’s care team which also includes a Family Support Worker and a Social Worker. Caregivers have dedicated support from their Family Support Worker as well as ongoing training.

To learn more about becoming a caregiver or to apply to become a caregiver please contact our office and ask to speak with one of our resource social workers.

Who can become a caregiver?

Anyone, 19 or older, who wants to share their home and life with a child, can apply to become a Family Care Home. It is not necessary to own your own home and your financial situation will not be a barrier.

You will work with a recruitment resources social worker who will guide you through the application process which includes the following steps:

  • Attending an information session
  • Attending the Pre-Service Orientation Training
  • Completing an application package
  • Providing written consent for a Criminal Record Check, Driver’s Abstract and PCC
  • Providing personal and employer references
  • Completing a medical exam with your doctor
  • Participating (along with your family members who live in the home) in an interview with a resources social worker.

For more information or to register, call the office at Telephone: 250-544-1400 and ask for information for caregivers.

What’s it like to become a caregiver?

Learn what it’s like to become a caregiver. Watch the videos below!

What supports do caregivers get?

NIȽ TU,O provides standardized training for all new caregivers to orient them to their new roles and responsibilities as a caregiver.

NIȽ TU,O caregivers are also invited to attend monthly gatherings to build relationships and supports, enjoy a catered meal together, and to learn about a variety of parenting and related topics presented by knowledgeable presenters. Child minding is provided and transportation can be provided  if needed.

Examples of topics covered include:

  • understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
  • understanding nutrition and making healthy food choices
  • understanding the impact of past trauma on child development
  • learning how to manage challenging child/youth behaviours
  • understanding the role of the caregiver and the AOPSI standards for children in care

For more information or to register, call the office at Telephone: 250-544-1400 and ask for information for caregivers.

Caregivers are one part of a larger child-care team

In addition to our monthly training events NIȽ TU,O supports our caregivers to attend various training, workshops and events to promote their knowledge base and confidence in providing high-quality care to our children.

As a NIȽ TU,O caregiver you will work closely and have the support of a dedicated resources social worker, who will be available to you for support, problem-solving, and guidance. Your resource social worker, along with the social workers of the children you are caring for, will work with you as a team to support both you and the child(ren).

NIȽ TU,O caregivers will receive financial support to provide for the children in their care and can also access respite to take a break.

For more information or to register, call the office at Telephone: 250-544-1400 and ask for information for caregivers.

Don’t hesitate to contact us

Call and ask for Confidential Intake

Telephone: 250-544-1400
Fax: 250-544-1402

Questions about accessing our services? We’re here to help.