(Working Together With One Mind)

Since 1997

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For Child Protection Concern Call

Who We Are

NIȽ TU,O is a Coast-Salish-Led organization
dedicated to strengthening the families,
communities, and Nations NIȽ TU,O serves.

Originally formed by representatives of the Esquimalt, Beecher Bay, Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Songhees, Tsawout, Tseycum and T’Sou-ke First Nations in 1997, NIȽ TU,O CFSS was formed in response to concerns about the number of Coast Salish children in the foster care system.

The following seven South Island Coast Salish Communities have submitted a BCR (Band Council Resolution) to have NIȽ TU,O CFSS provide services to their children and families: Beecher Bay, Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Songhees, Tsawout, Tseycum and T’Sou-ke.  NIȽ TU,O provides two distinct streams of services. Both streams of services are designed to keep Coast Salish children with their families and in their community.

The first stream of services is Family Strengthening Programs for any member Nation youth, parents or caregivers that could benefit from additional support. The second is the types of Support Services that were previously provided by the Ministry of Child & Family Development (called delegated services) and are now provided by NIȽ TU,O CFSS using Coast Salish definitions of care.

Our services are 100% confidential and culturally safe.

Now Seeking Caregivers

NIȽ TU,O is committed to keeping Coast Salish kids with their families and in the community. As such, NIȽ TU,O is always seeking Coast Salish caregivers to provide a culturally safe and welcoming home for children who – for one reason or another – can’t live with their parents right now.  Click here to learn more.

Family Strengthening Programs

NIȽ TU,O offers a variety of support and counselling services, group workshops, and other programs to help families, children and youth in the communities we serve. Click the button below to view all of our programs or scroll down to find information on an individual program.

Upcoming Events

Community Craft Day

February 14 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Community Craft Day

February 28 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Reiki Treatment

February 28 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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NIȽ TU, O is recruiting both Coast Salish, Indigenous, and Non-Indigenous caregivers willing to open their hearts and homes to Coast Salish children.


NIȽ TU, O Child and Family Services Society is a wonderful place to grow and develop your career.

How are we doing?

NIȽ TU, O is committed to providing quality service to our children, youth, families, and the communities we serve. If you’d like to give a compliment or file a complaint, please click here.

Don’t hesitate to contact us

Call and ask for Confidential Intake

Telephone: 250-544-1400
Fax: 250-544-1402

Questions about accessing our services? We’re here to help.